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Dr. J. Nick Smith
J. Nick Smith is Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Bands and Director of Athletic Bands for the School of Music & Dance at Eastern Michigan University. Smith recently completed his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Wind Band Conducting with emphasis in Choral Conducting at the University of Minnesota with primary teachers Emily Threinen and Kathy Saltzman Romey. Prior to his doctoral studies, he received his Master of Music degree in Wind Band Conducting from the University of Michigan with primary teacher Michael Haithcock.
Director, Marching Band
Dr. Mary K. Schneider
Director of Bands
Mary K. Schneider is Professor of Conducting and Director of Bands at Eastern Michigan University where she conducts the Wind Symphony, teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in conducting and music education, directs the Music Now contemporary music festival, and guides the vision of the comprehensive band program at EMU. In addition, Dr. Schneider was appointed and began serving as interim Associate Director of the School of Music & Dance in 2018. Prior to her appointment at Eastern Michigan University a decade ago, Dr. Schneider served on the music faculty at the University of Minnesota for three years.
Dr. Schneider's full biography.


Chelsea Lee
Chelsea joined the Eastern Michigan Marching Band staff as the Color Guard instructor in 2019. Prior to her work with the EMUMB, Chelsea taught Color Guard at Chelsea High School and was section leader of the University of Michigan Marching Band's flagline. Chelsea holds a Bachelor's degree in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience and Master of Social Work degree from the University of Michigan.

Professor Jason Ihnat
Jason Ihnat is an active teacher, performer, composer and arranger. As a part-time lecturer of music theory at Eastern Michigan University, his teaching responsibilities have included aural skills, music fundamentals, and music theory. In addition, he has been the drumline arranger and instructor for the EMU Marching Band since 2001. As a performer, Mr. Ihnat performs frequently with the Dearborn Symphony Orchestra, Michigan Philharmonic and Macomb Symphony Orchestra.
Professor Ihnat's full biography.

Eric Pereira
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant

Ben Perche
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant

Eric Braun

Maria Eloff
Administrative Assistant/Event Planner